Today I was confronted once again with the brevity of life here on earth as I sat next to a dear friend who was reeling from the news that he lost both his parents in one day. I do not think it a coincidence that earlier in this week I was sent a link to a video clip of a young wife and mother of two who, though diagnosed with terminal cancer and just a few short weeks to live, chose to speak to a group of women about her priorities.
To say Rachel Barkey's message is touching does not begin to communicate the impact I am CERTAIN it will make upon your life. In fact I know for a fact that I will watch it again (and again). While "Death is Not Dying" will take an hour out of your day, I believe it will be the best hour you will spend.
Click here to view Rachel's message.
I'd love to hear your thoughts after viewing the video...please post them in the "comment" section of the blog...
Tracy Klehn
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Write Away
I started writing in my Bible over a decade ago when speaker/author Becky Tirabassi encouraged me to take time on a daily basis to underline the verses in God's Word (The Bible) that "pop out at me." Since then I have not only highlighted verses I have marked significant dates in the margins, I have also written down short prayers on those sacred pages, and signed names of family and friends next to verses that I was claiming on their behalf.
I've seen numerous benefits come from this act of writing in the Bible and I'm going to briefly highlight three of those today...
1. A Reminder of What God Has Done
In 1 Chronicles 16:12 it reads "Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced, O descendants of Israel his servant, O sons of Jacob, his chosen ones."
I don't know about you but I am pretty darn forgetful, even of the amazing wonders God has done in my life...miracles that I prayed for that He answered. Noting the ways that God has answered a prayer by writing the date and the answer to prayer next to a corresponding verse is an excellent way to "remember." Just think, every time you open the Bible and read that particular page you can offer up yet another prayer of praise and thanksgiving for that answer to prayer and as you do so you will be reminded that the God you serve is FAITHFUL and certainly hears the concerns of you heart each day.
If I turn to Psalm 126 I see written in red ink "Scott and Gabi's verse, she got this verse from God at the beginning of the summer before the transplant. She told Scott 'this is our theme for our summer, and when we look back on this time this is what we'll say'." These words refer to my friend Scott who suffered from Cystic Fibrosis for almost forty years before being completely cured by a double lung transplant. A miracle? Indeed.
2. An Opportunity for God to Speak Again
Writing in your Bible offers you the opportunity for God to speak to you again and again. Sometimes when I'm at church and the Pastor is preaching I'll write what I feel the Spirit is speaking to my heart that day right next to the passage. When I open the Bible at another time and see those words, not only am I reminded of what He spoke to me that day, it offers Him an opportunity to speak again, either expanding on that same theme or showing me how he's changed me or the circumstances since the initial inscription.
As I mentioned in the introduction, I often write down significant dates in my Bible next to corresponding passages. This simple exercise had an amazing impact on me this very week. I received an email reminding me that it was the anniversary of a dear friends passing and inviting me to join a group of friends to go to her graveside. Unfortunately, by the time I read the email my friends were already en route to the cemetery and I was still in my pajamas. I sat down and began journaling and praying about my sweet friend and all that had happened since she died. As I opened my Bible I "happened" to turn to Psalm 62 and saw that I had written my friends name at the top of that page along with the date and time that she died. I had also underlined and circled the following verses next to her name "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."
3. A Legacy for the Next Generation
Writing your thoughts, prayers and significant dates in your Bible is a gift, a legacy for generations to come. Take a minute to think about something with me...imagine you have passed on and are now living eternally with Jesus. You are no longer with your loved ones here on earth but your Bible remains. Imagine how your children, grand-children, nieces, nephews, friends will feel as they gaze upon their names in your Bible. As they read about all the ways God faithfully answered your prayers. As they see date after date of that which was significant to you. Imagine how the simple act of taking pen to THE page has the potential to bolster the faith of the next generation!
Tracy Klehn
P.S. Winner of "Face of Faith" book giveaway is Andrea...Yay!!!
I've seen numerous benefits come from this act of writing in the Bible and I'm going to briefly highlight three of those today...
1. A Reminder of What God Has Done
In 1 Chronicles 16:12 it reads "Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced, O descendants of Israel his servant, O sons of Jacob, his chosen ones."
I don't know about you but I am pretty darn forgetful, even of the amazing wonders God has done in my life...miracles that I prayed for that He answered. Noting the ways that God has answered a prayer by writing the date and the answer to prayer next to a corresponding verse is an excellent way to "remember." Just think, every time you open the Bible and read that particular page you can offer up yet another prayer of praise and thanksgiving for that answer to prayer and as you do so you will be reminded that the God you serve is FAITHFUL and certainly hears the concerns of you heart each day.
If I turn to Psalm 126 I see written in red ink "Scott and Gabi's verse, she got this verse from God at the beginning of the summer before the transplant. She told Scott 'this is our theme for our summer, and when we look back on this time this is what we'll say'." These words refer to my friend Scott who suffered from Cystic Fibrosis for almost forty years before being completely cured by a double lung transplant. A miracle? Indeed.
2. An Opportunity for God to Speak Again
Writing in your Bible offers you the opportunity for God to speak to you again and again. Sometimes when I'm at church and the Pastor is preaching I'll write what I feel the Spirit is speaking to my heart that day right next to the passage. When I open the Bible at another time and see those words, not only am I reminded of what He spoke to me that day, it offers Him an opportunity to speak again, either expanding on that same theme or showing me how he's changed me or the circumstances since the initial inscription.
As I mentioned in the introduction, I often write down significant dates in my Bible next to corresponding passages. This simple exercise had an amazing impact on me this very week. I received an email reminding me that it was the anniversary of a dear friends passing and inviting me to join a group of friends to go to her graveside. Unfortunately, by the time I read the email my friends were already en route to the cemetery and I was still in my pajamas. I sat down and began journaling and praying about my sweet friend and all that had happened since she died. As I opened my Bible I "happened" to turn to Psalm 62 and saw that I had written my friends name at the top of that page along with the date and time that she died. I had also underlined and circled the following verses next to her name "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."
3. A Legacy for the Next Generation
Writing your thoughts, prayers and significant dates in your Bible is a gift, a legacy for generations to come. Take a minute to think about something with me...imagine you have passed on and are now living eternally with Jesus. You are no longer with your loved ones here on earth but your Bible remains. Imagine how your children, grand-children, nieces, nephews, friends will feel as they gaze upon their names in your Bible. As they read about all the ways God faithfully answered your prayers. As they see date after date of that which was significant to you. Imagine how the simple act of taking pen to THE page has the potential to bolster the faith of the next generation!
Tracy Klehn
P.S. Winner of "Face of Faith" book giveaway is Andrea...Yay!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Face of Faith Book Giveaway!
Hello Readers!
Today I am pleased to introduce you to Candi Wood Lindley, a woman with an amazing faith story. I pray you are inspired by her interview. If you'd like a chance to win a copy of her book please "comment" via the blog and leave me your email address and I will post the winner next week. Have a "Magnificent" week!
Tracy Klehn
Candy, you have written Face of Faith. What is it about?
When I was thirty years old, I was hospitalized for the removal of a pea-sized cyst in the nasal cavity. Instead, I was diagnosed with an inoperable malignant tumor the size of a baseball situated underneath the brain in the center of the head in an inoperable area of the head. Grade-three bone cancer is not receptive to chemotherapy or radiation. They told me that I could lose the right side of my face.
I had always thought that I was a Christian, but I had never really surrendered my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the hospital room that night I was finally at the end of Candy - emotionally, mentally, and physically. I ask God to totally take over my life.
My circumstances didn’t change, but God began to change my heart to one seeking His will only for my life whatever that might be.
Two weeks later I met with a craniofacial surgeon at the Mayo Clinic. He was very upfront about my surgery and my prognosis. No sugar coating.
He explained that he would cut across the top of the head and down the middle of the face enabling him to peel back both sides of the face and remove the greater portion of my face including the forehead bone, the right cheekbone, and the nose. He could hopefully remove the bulk of the tumor, buying me some time. He would not replace the bones to the face. I would wake up severely deformed and blind in the right eye, probably the left.
Miraculously, he instead attempted to remove the tumor in its entirety, and it worked. Even more miraculously, he took the bones to the face that had been thrown in the trash and reconstructed my face. I had a new face. And was cancer free.
What goes through someone’s mind when they are told they have an inoperable tumor in the center of the head and could lose the right side of their face? You were thirty years old. That’s pretty overwhelming.
For me, the will to live took over. That stubborn will to fight no matter what the odds.
There were complications after that first surgery. What did that involve?
Seven months after the first surgery, infection spread throughout the forehead bone and forehead skin. I was put in isolation. Five weeks later and four more surgeries, I returned home weighing 79 pounds with a shaved head, sunken in forehead, and two skin graphs on the front and back of the head.
Two years later on a routine check up trip to the Mayo Clinic, the tumor recurred. Same place. This time the size of a raspberry. So they did the whole first surgery again
During those three years of nine surgeries and frequent trips to the Mayo Clinic, did you ever ask God “Why me?” Were you ever angry with God?
I never asked God “Why me?” I did ask what was going on? I didn’t understand. I asked why He was allowing so much in my life, but not so much why it was happening to ME. Yes, I was angry with God often. Thankfully someone informed me that God could handle my anger.
How do you address the importance that society has put on beauty?
There is nothing wrong with wanting to look the best that you can look. I personally have always enjoyed experimenting with makeup and getting professional makeovers, especially now that I am facially disfigured. I want to make the most of what I have. But at the end of the day for me, the make up comes off and the hairpieces come off. If my confidence depended on beauty, I could be devastated. And many facially disfigured people are.
In a world obsessed with perfection of the outer appearance and makeovers of every kind, God is more interested in a different kind of makeover – one that lasts – a makeover of the heart.
That’s what happened with me. He began a makeover of my heart. And He’s still working on me!!
How did your husband handle the stress of your illness and the new Candy?
Unfortunately ours was not a happy marriage before I was ever sick. It was an emotionally abusive household. After twenty-four years of marriage, Lee filed for divorce.
Candy, you have experienced emotional pain and physical pain. Which is more difficult?
Physical pain is difficult– especially chronic pain. It is wearing and can affect a person emotionally as well. But there are medications for pain.
But the emotional pain of abuse is sometimes more difficult, I think. You can’t take a pill for it. It requires a lot of time and counseling. Only the Lord can heal the broken heart and enable us to forgive.
Where can we find out more about you and this book?
Please visit my web site at Thank you
Today I am pleased to introduce you to Candi Wood Lindley, a woman with an amazing faith story. I pray you are inspired by her interview. If you'd like a chance to win a copy of her book please "comment" via the blog and leave me your email address and I will post the winner next week. Have a "Magnificent" week!
Tracy Klehn

Candy, you have written Face of Faith. What is it about?
When I was thirty years old, I was hospitalized for the removal of a pea-sized cyst in the nasal cavity. Instead, I was diagnosed with an inoperable malignant tumor the size of a baseball situated underneath the brain in the center of the head in an inoperable area of the head. Grade-three bone cancer is not receptive to chemotherapy or radiation. They told me that I could lose the right side of my face.
I had always thought that I was a Christian, but I had never really surrendered my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the hospital room that night I was finally at the end of Candy - emotionally, mentally, and physically. I ask God to totally take over my life.
My circumstances didn’t change, but God began to change my heart to one seeking His will only for my life whatever that might be.
Two weeks later I met with a craniofacial surgeon at the Mayo Clinic. He was very upfront about my surgery and my prognosis. No sugar coating.
He explained that he would cut across the top of the head and down the middle of the face enabling him to peel back both sides of the face and remove the greater portion of my face including the forehead bone, the right cheekbone, and the nose. He could hopefully remove the bulk of the tumor, buying me some time. He would not replace the bones to the face. I would wake up severely deformed and blind in the right eye, probably the left.
Miraculously, he instead attempted to remove the tumor in its entirety, and it worked. Even more miraculously, he took the bones to the face that had been thrown in the trash and reconstructed my face. I had a new face. And was cancer free.
What goes through someone’s mind when they are told they have an inoperable tumor in the center of the head and could lose the right side of their face? You were thirty years old. That’s pretty overwhelming.
For me, the will to live took over. That stubborn will to fight no matter what the odds.
There were complications after that first surgery. What did that involve?
Seven months after the first surgery, infection spread throughout the forehead bone and forehead skin. I was put in isolation. Five weeks later and four more surgeries, I returned home weighing 79 pounds with a shaved head, sunken in forehead, and two skin graphs on the front and back of the head.
Two years later on a routine check up trip to the Mayo Clinic, the tumor recurred. Same place. This time the size of a raspberry. So they did the whole first surgery again
During those three years of nine surgeries and frequent trips to the Mayo Clinic, did you ever ask God “Why me?” Were you ever angry with God?
I never asked God “Why me?” I did ask what was going on? I didn’t understand. I asked why He was allowing so much in my life, but not so much why it was happening to ME. Yes, I was angry with God often. Thankfully someone informed me that God could handle my anger.
How do you address the importance that society has put on beauty?
There is nothing wrong with wanting to look the best that you can look. I personally have always enjoyed experimenting with makeup and getting professional makeovers, especially now that I am facially disfigured. I want to make the most of what I have. But at the end of the day for me, the make up comes off and the hairpieces come off. If my confidence depended on beauty, I could be devastated. And many facially disfigured people are.
In a world obsessed with perfection of the outer appearance and makeovers of every kind, God is more interested in a different kind of makeover – one that lasts – a makeover of the heart.
That’s what happened with me. He began a makeover of my heart. And He’s still working on me!!
How did your husband handle the stress of your illness and the new Candy?
Unfortunately ours was not a happy marriage before I was ever sick. It was an emotionally abusive household. After twenty-four years of marriage, Lee filed for divorce.
Candy, you have experienced emotional pain and physical pain. Which is more difficult?
Physical pain is difficult– especially chronic pain. It is wearing and can affect a person emotionally as well. But there are medications for pain.
But the emotional pain of abuse is sometimes more difficult, I think. You can’t take a pill for it. It requires a lot of time and counseling. Only the Lord can heal the broken heart and enable us to forgive.
Where can we find out more about you and this book?
Please visit my web site at Thank you
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
You are doing something of GREAT worth
You are preparing the next generation
Your kisses, hugs, and words of encouragement
Your discipline, instruction and listening ear
Your cleaning, cooking and shopping
Your stories, songs and reminiscings
Your provision, protection and perseverance
Your laughter, tears and prayers
Are pouring into your children which they in turn will pour into their children.
You are doing something of GREAT worth every single morning that you wake up and MOTHER.
THANK YOU and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY from your friend,
Tracy Klehn
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ways to Pray for the U.S.A. this Thursday (National Day of Prayer)

One night at dinner (my son was five and my daughter was almost four) my husband asked our kids if they knew who the President of the United States was. My son immediately shouted out with confidence "GEORGE WASHINGTON!" My daughter smiled and said "New York!"
I'm sure if he asked you the same question you would get the answer right but what if he asked you if you knew when the National Day of Prayer was? Don't worry if you don't know, I'm not only going to let you know it is always the first Thursday in May (which happens to be in just a couple of days) but I'm also going to give you a few "ways to pray for the U.S.A." on that day. These are taken right out of my book "Prayer Starters for Busy Moms" in the chapter that contains over thirty different prayer starters for our Country. I hope you find one or two ideas that work well for you and/or your family. I always find it exciting to think that so many are calling on the Name of the Lord on the same day!
"Flag a Prayer"
Ask your children to be on the lookout for the "stars and stripes." When they point out an American flag, agree in prayer for our troops. Pray that the soldiers would be protected, that their eyes would be open to danger, and that they would seek the Lord during this time of combat.
"Pledge Allegiance"
As you stand and recite these familiar words, pray that your nation would always be "one nation under God." Teach your children to pray for a spirit of unity to grow among the citizens of this country and for many to become worshipers of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Pray for revival in the heart of this nation. Pray that your children would be a part of bringing that revival to pass. Pray that your children would have hearts that are committed to the Lord, committed to prayer, and committed to our nation.
God Bless You and May God Bless America,
Tracy Klehn
P.S. CONGRATS to Iris who is the winner of the Book Give Away ("The Secret Holocaust Diaries"). Way to go Iris!
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