One night at dinner (my son was five and my daughter was almost four) my husband asked our kids if they knew who the President of the United States was. My son immediately shouted out with confidence "GEORGE WASHINGTON!" My daughter smiled and said "New York!"
I'm sure if he asked you the same question you would get the answer right but what if he asked you if you knew when the National Day of Prayer was? Don't worry if you don't know, I'm not only going to let you know it is always the first Thursday in May (which happens to be in just a couple of days) but I'm also going to give you a few "ways to pray for the U.S.A." on that day. These are taken right out of my book "Prayer Starters for Busy Moms" in the chapter that contains over thirty different prayer starters for our Country. I hope you find one or two ideas that work well for you and/or your family. I always find it exciting to think that so many are calling on the Name of the Lord on the same day!
"Flag a Prayer"
Ask your children to be on the lookout for the "stars and stripes." When they point out an American flag, agree in prayer for our troops. Pray that the soldiers would be protected, that their eyes would be open to danger, and that they would seek the Lord during this time of combat.
"Pledge Allegiance"
As you stand and recite these familiar words, pray that your nation would always be "one nation under God." Teach your children to pray for a spirit of unity to grow among the citizens of this country and for many to become worshipers of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Pray for revival in the heart of this nation. Pray that your children would be a part of bringing that revival to pass. Pray that your children would have hearts that are committed to the Lord, committed to prayer, and committed to our nation.
God Bless You and May God Bless America,
Tracy Klehn
P.S. CONGRATS to Iris who is the winner of the Book Give Away ("The Secret Holocaust Diaries"). Way to go Iris!
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