Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner Idea

"Crazy, jumps and screams a LOT, and is a good cook"

This was my twelve year old daughters' answer to the conversation starter card that said "describe your mother in one sentence." I'd say she pretty much has me pegged wouldn't you (for those of you who have spent any time with me)?

With pending "Dinner Conversations" just around the corner (Thanksgiving) I thought it might be fun for you and your kids to sit down and brainstorm some fun conversation starter questions for your Holiday Dinners. You can even let the kids print them up on the computer or write them in crayon on file cards and let them decide how best to present them at Thanksgiving dinner...a basket, a box, a little bag...

It might just be a new tradition in the making and a way to get people talking, laughing and feeling even more thankful for the love that surrounds them.

Happy Thanksgiving from your crazy, jumping and screaming girlfriend,
Tracy Klehn

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