Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How Do I "Consider it pure JOY?"

As many of you know I am in the process of recovering from surgery and it is slow going. My energy is pretty much non-existent, my emotions are fluctuating wildly and rapidly and my daily routine has been in a state of upheaval. I'd say this pretty much goes into the category of what James (1:2 in the Bible) calls a "trial." Yet James also says that when we face a trial we are to "consider it pure joy..."


Well, since you (or I) asked...

Just the other night as we sat down to yet another meal that a friend from church provided for our family, I was struck by what my daughter said to God during her prayer...

"Jesus please bless this food to our bodies and I just want to thank you for the way you are loving us by having so many friends bring us dinner."

My daughter is getting it. My little girl (and I'm hoping my son as well) is learning that God answers prayers through people. That the Lord provides comfort and love through the Body of Christ (the community of Believers that make up the church). My daughter's eyes have not missed the fact that when our family is in crisis that we are not alone, that we are not without help and that we are loved.

So now I see one of the reasons that I am to "consider it pure joy." It may not be very fun to have a twinge of pain here and there in my body and in my emotions, but I will endure it knowing that this is just one of the reasons God has allowed for this to remind me and to teach my children that we all need each other.

Hopefully as my kids grow up and they see a friend in crisis they will reach out to help. Hopefully when they are in crisis themselves they will welcome the love coming their way. Most of all I hope that when they find themselves in a "trial" they will "consider it pure joy" knowing that there are lessons to be learned and love to be experienced.

Blessings to you my friends,
Tracy Klehn

P.S. Kristine Weatherly please email me via my website...your email address for the book give away isn't working and I still need to get your book to you :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Tracey! Considering your current "trial", I can gladly wait to get the book. My email address is for once you are better. Thanks for today's blessing!