Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Treasure Boxes to Open All Year Long (They'll Save You Money)

I just found out about a pretty amazing ministry that I believe has the capability of helping a lot of people not only make it through these challenging financial times but continue to be good stewards of the family budget AND provide an inexpensive way to lend a hand to others in need. It is called "The Treasure Box." Here is a description from their website...

"The Treasure Box provides families and individuals with a substantial box of grocery store quality food retailing between $65-100 for just $30 each...Each Treasure Box contains between 21-25 pounds of high quality, frozen foods, including chicken, pork, beef, or seafood, as well as vegetables, fruit, a side dish and a dessert. One Treasure Box is enough food to nutritiously feed a family of four lunch and dinner for almost a week or a senior citizen for nearly a month."

Our church just signed up to be a host site and that even might be something that you could look into for your church or charity organization. We found it to be a very low commitment of time and energy but with potentially huge impact. It basically required our church to open up our parking lot to The Treasure Box truck for two hours once a month so that people could show up to pick up their pre-paid box of food.

Our family not only signed up to get a box once a month to help with our grocery bill but we are considering ways we might be able to give the gift of The Treasure Box to friends and family that might be going through some tough times.

If you sign up before Saturday you can receive the December box. Here is a great link that will show a brief video with more information about the program and what the actual food in the box looks like. I hope you find it as helpful and hopeful as we have.


Blessings to you,
Tracy Klehn

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Your First Christmas Blessing

Sunshine let it be, or frost,
Storm or calm, as Thou shalt choose;
Though Thine every gift were lost
Thee Thyself we cannot lose.
-Mary Elizabeth Coleridge (1861-1907)

"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever."
Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV

God Bless you all and may this be the beginning of your "Most Magnificent" Christmas season ever! May you and yours always live in an awareness of what truly "belongs" to you...the gift that can never be taken away and may that awareness spill over to those around you that they might soon possess that which you do as well.

Love Your Sister in Christ,
Tracy Klehn

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner Idea

"Crazy, jumps and screams a LOT, and is a good cook"

This was my twelve year old daughters' answer to the conversation starter card that said "describe your mother in one sentence." I'd say she pretty much has me pegged wouldn't you (for those of you who have spent any time with me)?

With pending "Dinner Conversations" just around the corner (Thanksgiving) I thought it might be fun for you and your kids to sit down and brainstorm some fun conversation starter questions for your Holiday Dinners. You can even let the kids print them up on the computer or write them in crayon on file cards and let them decide how best to present them at Thanksgiving dinner...a basket, a box, a little bag...

It might just be a new tradition in the making and a way to get people talking, laughing and feeling even more thankful for the love that surrounds them.

Happy Thanksgiving from your crazy, jumping and screaming girlfriend,
Tracy Klehn

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Bible Study by one of my Favorite Autors (Jennifer Kennedy Dean)

Hi Ladies,

Here is a new Bible Study from an author I really enjoy. I hope you enjoy the interview and the excerpt from her new study.

Tracy Klehn

New Hope Publishers

ISBN: 10-1596692634

ISBN: 13-978-1596692633

Release Date: 9/1/09

Retail: $14.99

Jennifer Kennedy Dean is Executive director of The Praying Life Foundation and a respected author and speaker. She is the author of numerous books, studies, and magazine articles specializing in prayer and spiritual formation. Her book Heart’s Cry has been named National Day of Prayer’s signature book. You’ll find articles and daily quotes from Jennifer at the National Day of Prayer website. Her book, Live a Praying Life, has been called a flagship work on prayer.

Jennifer was widowed in 2005 after 26 years of marriage to Wayne Dean, her partner both in life and ministry. They are the parents of three grown sons. Jennifer makes her home in Marion, KY.

An Interview with Jennifer Kennedy Dean

You are known for your extensive research and your fresh insights. Do you have a method for gleaning new concepts?

Of course, the truths are not new, but I think I sometimes am able to frame old truths in new ways. I always find that when I put the words of Jesus into their original Hebraic setting and experience the scene through the viewpoint of His real-time audience, some new little fragment of truth finds its way into my thinking. I like to let the Scripture breathe. To let it sit in my heart until its full aroma has time to emerge. There's the hard-core research, and then there's the marinating. Turn your imagination loose and unfurl your curiosity, and listen to the living Word.

You have a series of Bible studies in the format of Set Apart, designed to be interactive. This series of studies has video series and leader's kits available. What is the advantage to this kind of format?

I try to produce a new Bible study with video series every year. I like the interactive format because I like to pull the reader into the Scripture to experience the Word. I like to challenge the reader to interact with the thoughts and ideas and to take the time to absorb them and apply them, rather than just to read. The other thing I like about this format is that it can be done by an individual, or as a group. In the video series, I like to be able to teach the main points of the material and set the learners' up for a productive week of personal study. I love feeling like I get to be part of your Bible study group! The kits have lots of other resources for leading a small group in the study.

Several of your studies have theme songs that go with them, as Set Apart does. How do these songs come about?

I have developed a song-writing relationship with a talented musician named Roxanne Lingle. I write poems, we turn them into lyrics, Roxanne composes and arranges the music, and Roxanne records the songs. For Set Apart, we have the theme song in the form of a music video, which is a new addition. In the leader's kit you have the audio track, accompaniment track, lead sheet, and the music video. The theme song becomes an important and worshipful part of the study experience.

About the Book:

(Marion, Kentucky) - In a world of self-love and materialism it's reassuring to know that God's Word has a better plan for living. Renowned author and speaker, Jennifer Kennedy Dean, provides insight to the life of Christ, specifically the Sermon on the Mount, in her new book, Set Apart: A 6 Week Study of the Beatitudes.

Through careful study of the Hebrew traditions of biblical times, Dean leads participants into a deeper awareness of this early ministry sermon series by Christ.

Jennifer guides readers to a heightened understanding of each beatitude, correlating the Ten Commandments with the Sermon on the Mount to tie these Old and New Testament principles together. Dean shares how living the Set Apart Life is an exciting and life-changing spiritual journey. Participants surrendered to Christ will see a total transformation: outward actions of holiness as well as inward attitudes of joy. Believers following along in this workbook will experience the life God intends. This blessedness comes from seeking and knowing God. Anything outside the realm of Jesus Christ results in emptiness--the ultimate opposite of blessing.

Each chapter includes interactive questions for readers to answer, emphasizing God's desire to reproduce the character and attitudes of Jesus in each Christian's life. Along with the Bible study book, there is a Leader Kit that includes six DVD sessions and a CD with bonus material for small-group leaders. Jennifer's website, www.prayinglife.org, provides opportunities for previewing the Set Apart materials and extra resources for pastors and leaders.

If you'd like to see Jennifer teach an excerpt of the book click on the link below...


Adapted from Set Apart by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

"I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Cor 12:9-10).

My weakness is my greatest asset in the Kingdom. My weakness is where God meets me. My weakness is where Christ's power is most clearly displayed in me. Only when I am confronted with my own helplessness can I experience the power of Christ in me.

"Your helplessness is your best prayer. It calls from your heart to the heart of God with greater effect than all your uttered pleas. He hears it from the very moment that you are seized with helplessness, and He becomes actively engaged at once in hearing and answering the prayer of your helplessness." (O. Hallesby, Prayer)

I recently had the tiniest glimpse of how powerfully helplessness speaks. A few years ago, I lost my husband to brain cancer. During the final months of his illness, he became utterly helpless. The man I had leaned on for 26 years, whose strength I counted on, was now dependent upon me for his every need. During those weeks, my ear was tuned to his every sigh, his every restless movement, every change in his breathing pattern. If I had to be out of his room for even a few minutes, I had a monitor with me so I could hear him if he needed me. When he was strong, I was not so attentive. His needs did not fill my waking moments, when he could meet them himself. His helplessness spoke louder than any word he might have spoken. Because of his helplessness--because I knew he could do nothing on his own--I was on watch day and night.

My experience is but a pale shadow of the reality of the Kingdom, but still it helps me understand how my weakness is the opening for His strength. The fact of my helplessness is the only prayer I need. It speaks louder than eloquence.

Let your helplessness and your weakness be the offering you bring to Him. He is not waiting for you to be strong. He is waiting for you to recognize that you are weak.


Please leave a comment to be entered in a drawing to win the following items from Jennifer. If you are a leader (small groups, book club, Bible Study, Women's Ministry), please note that you are--you will automatically be entered in the contest. If you are a member of one of these groups at your church or community, mention that you are a group member.

You will be entered to win:

A Set Apart Leader's Kit (video and leader resources and a student book) retail $79.99

A copy of Fueled by Faith (retail $19.99)

Jennifer will have a live web event just for your group

Monday, September 14, 2009

An Amazing "No Guilt" Prayer for Moms

I found this prayer/poem several years ago in the book When I'm on My Knees by Anita Corrine Donihue. The author of the actual poem is listed as "unknown" which I think is classic because there are so many moms out there that feel that their work and worship is going on "unnoticed" and they are "unknown" but the truth in God's Word says that "He is the God who sees." Let this prayer encourage you...

Lord of all pots and pans and things

since I've no time to be

A saint by doing lovely things,

or watching late with Thee,

Or dreaming in the dawnlight,

or storming heaven's gates,

Make me a saint by getting meals,

and washing up the plates.

Although I must have Martha's hand,

I have a Mary mind;

And when I black the boots and shoes,

Thy sandals, Lord, I find,

I think of how they trod the earth,

each time I scrub the floor;

Accept this meditation, Lord,

I haven't time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy love,

and light it with Thy peace,

Forgive me all my worrying,

and make all grumbling cease.

Thou who didst love to give me food,

in room or by sea,

Accept this service that I do-

I do it unto Thee.

Blessings this week as you serve your family and worship your Lord,
Tracy Klehn

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ping Pong Conversations

Labor Day Weekend marks the anniversary of the first time I met my husband. He hosted a barbecue and invited my roommate and she brought me along. That weekend I played my very first game of ping pong and it just so happened to be with a tall, handsome man with a great smile and big brown eyes. About twenty minutes into our "match" I announced with shock and enthusiasm "I didn't know I was so good at this game!!!" For indeed I was making contact with every swing of the paddle. It was probably about a year later that Russ confessed "I knew that if I got the ball right to your paddle that you would keep talking to me and that our conversation wouldn't have to end."

Okay...how sweet is that? He didn't want to stop talking to me!

How awesome is it to know that you have a Savior who never wants your conversation to end? How terrific is it that Jesus doesn't need you to "hit the ball right to his paddle" in order to keep talking to Him? That all day, every day the One who knows you best and loves you most is ready and available to talk and listen to every concern of your heart.

Why don't you take a minute right now to share a moment of sweet conversation with your Savior?

"pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children."
Lamentations 2:19

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Think I'm In Love...Help With Meal Planning

If you are a mom and your kids have gone back to school, you may just be doing what I am doing right now...trying to figure out what to have for dinner this week so that you can make your grocery list.

I was recently told about a website that can help with this process. In fact, the gals that operate the website make it as easy as possible by scouring the stores for the items that are on sale and then formulating a menu plan. They also include recipes (that are EASY) with their menu plan AND they tell you what groceries you'll need for the week to make the recipes. They do all of this work and charge a VERY minimal amount per week to do so ($1.25). This service called, E-mealz may just be an answer to prayer. Check it out and let me know what you think and how it goes...I'm going to start it with you okay???

Here is the link to www.e-mealz.com

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Cruising

It's been too long and for this I am so sorry. I hope your summer is getting along "Magnificently."

I expected to be writing you this week about our family's amazing time cruising the Holy Lands but two days before we were to embark on our adventure we received news that our cruise had been canceled due to a fire aboard the ship. Our cruising plans were abruptly changed and we were abruptly disappointed and I could not bring myself to put my hands on the keyboard. It was grace alone that I remembered that what I could do with my hands and heart was to lift them to the Lord in prayer and by grace God reminded me that "His ways are not my ways" (Isaiah 55:8) and that He is "close to the brokenhearted" (Psalm 34:18) and that when it comes to "cruising" the best place to be is "Cruising as close to Him as possible."

Is your heart broken this summer? Have plans in your life changed abruptly? Can I encourage you to pour out your heart to the One who loves you most? Let him comfort you and guide you as you "cruise" through this life.

Here is a photo of a different kind of cruising we did as a family that definitely would not have happened had we been on a ship in the Mediterranean.

Blessings and "Ahoy Matey"!
Tracy Klehn

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Interview with Thelma Wells

I was first introduced to Thelma Wells over a decade ago as a speaker at the Women of Faith conference. I loved her! She was spunky, enthusiastic, inspiring, hilarious and wise.

After listening to her speak year after year, I approached Thelma to see if she'd be willing to take a look at my first book as a potential endorser and she generously agreed (to my delight and shock!!!).

For this reason and many more I am thrilled to post the following interview with Thelma. I hope you enjoy her and are inspired by her as much as I have been...

Tracy Klehn

I’m delighted to be here today to visit with you and your readers, and share about a topic that is dear to my heart.

Thelma, you have had a successful banking and corporate career. You’ve spoken all over the country and around the world, done a lot of radio interviews, had your own television show, and written a lot of books. Many of our readers will be familiar with you from the Women of Faith conferences. It seems you’ve “done it all.” So when you left Women of Faith in February 2008, what was it that you were leaving them to do?

Actually, I really did not fully understand what I was going to do. I was simply following the very clear instructions of God that it was time to go. I had a few speaking engagements on my calendar but certainly not enough to make ends meet. My total dependence was on God and waiting to see what He had in store for me.

Your new book, Don’t Give In…God Wants YOU to Win!, is based on a real life experience. Will you tell us a little of that story?

I was in elementary school when one of my friends told people she was going to beat me up. I could not understand why but it was real. After school for two days I faced a crowd hungry to see a fight and a girl who I thought was my friend hit me and frighten me to tears. One the second day of my fighting ordeal my great grandmother who raised me gave me some strong advice, “Thelma, the only way to deal with a bully is to fight them. You better fight her tomorrow and beat her up. If not, you’re going to get a whipping when you get home. That was the determining factor. My Granny who had taught me that ladies don’t fight had just reversed the instruction to “fight the bully.”

I did fight her the third day and hit her hard, so she ran home, not me. I learned that when we are faced with the bully, the adversary, the enemy of our souls, the devil himself, the only way to win is to fight him with all the ammunition we have, the Whole Armor of God.

This book is about spiritual warfare, demons, the Holy Spirit, and some pretty heavy-duty areas. Why write on this topic?

In this day and age when all around us seems to failing like our economic system, the government, relationships, health, self-worth, business and workplace situations, the church, wayward children, divorce and so much more, it is imperative that people have something sturdy and reliable to hold on to. Everyday we are fighting some kind of battle small, great or tremendous. When we don’t know how to fight against the disappoint, heartache, confusion, depression, and all the emotional and spiritual fall out from these issues, we become desperate, violent, vicious and vile. John 10:10 tells us that the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy us. But, Jesus has come to give us life and that life more abundantly than the feelings of no hope. This book teaches about the only hope we have and how to use that hope physically, emotionally and spiritually with a guarantee that we are winners when we do.

Will you share with us the chapter titles?
Introduction: Time for Questions
Chapter One: Know How to Fight, but Never Start One
Chapter Two: Fight or Flight?
Chapter Three: Breakdown for a Blessing
Chapter Four: Weeds in the Garden
Chapter Five: Thelma’s Untold Rituals
Chapter Six: The Dynamic Duo
Chapter Seven: The Battle Is Not Yours
Chapter Eight: Winning Weapons
Chapter Nine: Fix Your Hair!
Chapter Ten: Pad Your Bra!
Chapter Eleven: Tighten Your Girdle!
Chapter Twelve: Put On Your Stomping Shoes!
Something Extra: More Winning Weapons

You’ve been known as the BEE lady, but it seems you’re evolving into more than that? Where do you see your ministry heading in the future?

God has so many surprises for me that my heart is overflowing. I have a teaching and preaching anointing that has made my ministry one of integrity and worth. God is doing great things in my life and reinventing some vital things that will be seen by everybody in a few weeks. He has guaranteed me that the international travel I’ve done over the past thirty years, the seeds I’ve sown over my lifetime, the barriers and tough times I’ve overcome are about to pay off in many different ways. He has put Christian people in my life that have and are changing the course of my life in great and wonderful ways. I will be taking a group to Israel next November, on other Ready to Win tours throughout the world, working with World Vision in their child sponsorship program, presenting mini Ready To Win Conferences throughout the world, and whatever else the Lord assigns me to do.

Congratulations on your first Ready to Win Conference. We heard you had an awesome weekend in Garland, TX with a great group of speakers, musical artists, and attendees. Having done so many conferences in the past, why do another conference?

This is not just another conference. This Ready To Win Conference does not just excite people or create positive thinking, it gives everyone, saved and unsaved, the winning weapons to fight off all the wicked in this world. People are not only encouraged to win the war against the evil one, they are given easy to understand tools that they have reported are so vivid in their minds that they can apply every day in every situation. Coming together in a group and learning these tried and true skills is so much easier to understand than writing it in a book or seeing it on DVD. The reports have been that this works because they were able to see it, hear it, feel it, and use it instantly and forever. In today’s world, another conference is not what we are about. We are about people joining together from different denominations, ethnicities, geographic locations, languages, and thought systems and getting insight and instruction that can bring people of all walks of life together to become a mighty army against the forces of evil.

As a follow up, how can people get the Ready to Win Conference to their area?

People all over the world can contact me at contactus@thelmawells.com and we will get back with them with the details of how the Ready To Win Conference can come to their area.

In your book, Don’t Give In…God Wants YOU to Win!, you talk about doing rituals as it relates to fighting the good fight of faith. Will you explain that word to us and give us an example?

The word ritual is used on to denote the routines we have in our daily lives like fixing our hair, dressing ourselves, and being prepared for the day. It means nothing more than that and nothing mysterious that would attract any evil forces.

Spiritual warfare and putting on the armor of God is a daily activity for you. Is this because you’re a nationally known Christian speaker and author, or is this something that everyone should be aware of?

Spiritual warfare is the state of our lives whatever and whoever you are. We fight against anger, gluttony, smoking, frustration, and everything else that can make us less than our best. The warfare that we are in daily is because we live in a fallen world where Satan thinks he has power. Each and everyday he tries to confuse us into thinking that things are unfixable, out of control, etc. He is the greatest liar of all times and he lays tricks in our minds, if we let him. From the moment we were born until the day we die we will be fighting spiritual warfare. However, the good news is…people who have accepted Jesus as their Savior never have to fight alone. The end of the story is that Jesus and His people win and the devil is a number one loser!

Thelma, this book was released at a perfect time. So many people are struggling just to survive. They’ve lost jobs, money, health, marriages, and more. Many just want to give up! What can we do if we are in those situations to prepare for victory in the battle of life?

When you’re in a battle these are the things that must be done in order to win:

• Put on the helmet of salvation to cover your thought life.
• Put on the breastplate of righteousness to guard your heart against devil and sin.
• Put on the girdle of Truth so that you will be able to understand what real truth is and be able to use the Sword of the Spirit (The Word of God – the Bible) in every situation as Jesus did when He was tempted by the devil in the mountain.
• Put on the shoes that have prepared you with the preparation of peace so you can march and stay fit as you tell other people about the goodness and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
• Hold up the shield of faith believing that God will keep every Promise He made for our good.
• Pray for each other and for ourselves by asking God for what we need, seeking His perfect will in all we do and knocking continually until we know God has answered our prayers. We must realize that God does not answer all our prayers the way we want Him to but whatever way He answers them, they are for our good and for His glory.
• Praise God with thanksgiving for all He has done and will do for us. The worship of God brings us into an atmosphere of being able to fight the good fight of faith and WIN.

Where/how does “submitting to God and the devil will flee from you” fit into spiritual warfare?

God asks us to do a simple thing, trust Him enough to give Him all of us. That’s hard to do when you try to control your life yourself. It really amounts to us (you and me) worshipping ourselves instead of worshipping God. When we live in humble submission to God, Satan will try to attack but God is our Protector. This is not a one-time submission to God. Everyday and sometimes during the day we must ask Him to lead us not into temptation and to protect us from evil because evil is always near. We are told to pray without ceasing. This means that we must stay in the attitude of prayer 24/7. It’s simple but it presents a challenge for us because we are so distracted by our day, our desires, our dreams, our relationships, etc. that we often forget that none of this would be possible were it not for the Lord who grants it. Submission means to let God be the driving force and the guiding force in our lives and trust Him that He will do exceedingly abundantly over and above what we can ask or think according to His power that works in us. The most peaceful, contented condition of my life is when I actually and earnestly turned my entire life over to the direction of God. I can now recognize when Satan tries to tempt me, confuse me, and drive me into doing or saying things I should not. It has come about with trust in God and practice of His word. Satan will attack but God will counter-act.

Most of us are familiar with the list of spiritual weapons available for us to use as listed in Ephesians 6. You have a way to remember these that might be more relevant to today’s woman – as a mom, wife, business woman, etc. Will you share these five things with us that you do daily when you’re getting “dressed” in the morning? (SEE CARTOON OF THELMA AT BEGINNING OF POST)

Thelma, it seems you are all over the Internet these days. Anyone can find you on your web site, Facebook, Twitter, web casts, a blog tour, the You Go Girl Network, and other cutting edge things with technology. Why is it important for you to use all these various methods to spread your message?

Technology is the way God planned for us to get His message to the world according to Matthew 28:19.

How did you get the name, Mama T?

A young lady in my church named me that because she thought that was a fitting name for me and it has become a loving name for the ladies in my mentoring groups.

So what’s next for the Mama T and Ready to Win?

My website (ThelmaWells.com) is being reinvented to a teaching tool for people to learn more and more about how to win the battles of life. There will be powerful tools available, I will be personally speaking with people and many other changes that will enlighten, encourage, inform, influence and empower people to fight the good fight and win.

Where can our readers buy your new book and register for the webcast?

On my web site, which is ThelmaWells.com. They can click on the July RTW On-line Web cast button to learn more or register for the next series of web casts that start on July 7.

My new book, Don’t Give In – God Wants YOU To Win! is also available online and at local bookstores such as, Family Christian Stores, Lifeway Christian Stores, Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble Book Stores, Mardel’s, Anchor Distributors, Christianbook.com, and many other stores and vendors throughout American and the United Kingdom.

Is there anything that we didn’t ask that you’d like to share with us?

In all we’ve said, we need to remember that Jesus loves YOU and has a plan for your life. This plan includes you living a life free from worry and anxiety. God is in control of everything. When we trust in Him, give Him our lives to guide, seek the will of the Father, ask Jesus to be the Lord and Master of our lives, and accept the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are winners and nobody or nothing can take that away from us!

Thank you, darling, for having me today on your blog. I hope you and your readers will visit my web site at ThelmaWells.com. And remember always be READY TO WIN!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Three Cheers for Mothers

Last night I attended my daughter's cheer banquet. As I sat and listened to the coaches take the time to talk thoughtfully and beautifully about each one of the girls on the team it struck me once again what an awesome provider God is...how He gives us other trustworthy women to help "mother" our daughters. It reminded me of how far God has brought me from my early fears that I wrote about in Growing Friendships...

When I got pregnant I became aware of the many fears that I had about being a mother to a little girl. I became aware of the areas I lacked and the things I didn’t know how to do. Things like French braiding hair or talking to a teen-ager (I didn’t know what to do with myself in my teen years and nobody else seemed to know either so how on earth was I going to know how to talk to my own teen?). As my pregnancy progressed, the Lord eased my fears by showing me that He had surrounded me with a circle of friends; women that loved Christ, loved me and loved my daughter, women that each possess gifts that they generously shared through friendship with me and my family. I didn’t need to know how to French braid because Grace could go see “Auntie” Heather for that. If Grace didn’t want to talk to me about certain things as a teen I could direct her to her “Auntie” Andrea or her “Auntie” Sue. Christ also reminded me of the all important fact that if I were the “perfect” mother what indeed would my daughter need a Savior for?

In Captivating, author Stasi Eldredge invites women to ponder the following question, “God wanted to reveal something about himself, so he gave us Eve. When you are with a woman, ask yourself, what is she telling me about God? It will open up wonders for you.”

Embracing your circle of friends, or as I put it in this chapter “Wearing your crown,” has everything to do with acknowledging that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” that your friend is too, and that together you make the world around you even more bright and more beautiful; together you crown the world with a more complete vision of who God is and of what His love looks like.

Wearing the crown is saying that you don’t need to be perfect and good at everything. It is saying that you need people in your life. It is allowing yourself to be inspired by the women that surround you. It is acknowledging that you are gifted in this way, and that this other gift is not yours, but your sisters. This is not complacency (as some would think), but permission to be freed from your own expectations.
(Growing Friendships, page 124-125, Bethany House)

Who are the women God has placed in your life to help you "mother" your children? Take a minute to say a prayer of gratitude for these lovely "Sisters in Christ." If you feel lonely in your mothering and have a desire to have women come alongside you in this way, can I encourage you to pray about that? Ask the Lord to open your eyes to see the women He would like you to initiate with, open up to, live life with. We weren't meant to travel this road alone.

Tracy Klehn

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Dying Woman's Thoughts...An Hour Well Spent

Today I was confronted once again with the brevity of life here on earth as I sat next to a dear friend who was reeling from the news that he lost both his parents in one day. I do not think it a coincidence that earlier in this week I was sent a link to a video clip of a young wife and mother of two who, though diagnosed with terminal cancer and just a few short weeks to live, chose to speak to a group of women about her priorities.

To say Rachel Barkey's message is touching does not begin to communicate the impact I am CERTAIN it will make upon your life. In fact I know for a fact that I will watch it again (and again). While "Death is Not Dying" will take an hour out of your day, I believe it will be the best hour you will spend.

Click here to view Rachel's message.

I'd love to hear your thoughts after viewing the video...please post them in the "comment" section of the blog...

Tracy Klehn

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Write Away

I started writing in my Bible over a decade ago when speaker/author Becky Tirabassi encouraged me to take time on a daily basis to underline the verses in God's Word (The Bible) that "pop out at me." Since then I have not only highlighted verses I have marked significant dates in the margins, I have also written down short prayers on those sacred pages, and signed names of family and friends next to verses that I was claiming on their behalf.

I've seen numerous benefits come from this act of writing in the Bible and I'm going to briefly highlight three of those today...

1. A Reminder of What God Has Done

In 1 Chronicles 16:12 it reads "Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced, O descendants of Israel his servant, O sons of Jacob, his chosen ones."

I don't know about you but I am pretty darn forgetful, even of the amazing wonders God has done in my life...miracles that I prayed for that He answered. Noting the ways that God has answered a prayer by writing the date and the answer to prayer next to a corresponding verse is an excellent way to "remember." Just think, every time you open the Bible and read that particular page you can offer up yet another prayer of praise and thanksgiving for that answer to prayer and as you do so you will be reminded that the God you serve is FAITHFUL and certainly hears the concerns of you heart each day.

If I turn to Psalm 126 I see written in red ink "Scott and Gabi's verse, she got this verse from God at the beginning of the summer before the transplant. She told Scott 'this is our theme for our summer, and when we look back on this time this is what we'll say'." These words refer to my friend Scott who suffered from Cystic Fibrosis for almost forty years before being completely cured by a double lung transplant. A miracle? Indeed.

2. An Opportunity for God to Speak Again

Writing in your Bible offers you the opportunity for God to speak to you again and again. Sometimes when I'm at church and the Pastor is preaching I'll write what I feel the Spirit is speaking to my heart that day right next to the passage. When I open the Bible at another time and see those words, not only am I reminded of what He spoke to me that day, it offers Him an opportunity to speak again, either expanding on that same theme or showing me how he's changed me or the circumstances since the initial inscription.

As I mentioned in the introduction, I often write down significant dates in my Bible next to corresponding passages. This simple exercise had an amazing impact on me this very week. I received an email reminding me that it was the anniversary of a dear friends passing and inviting me to join a group of friends to go to her graveside. Unfortunately, by the time I read the email my friends were already en route to the cemetery and I was still in my pajamas. I sat down and began journaling and praying about my sweet friend and all that had happened since she died. As I opened my Bible I "happened" to turn to Psalm 62 and saw that I had written my friends name at the top of that page along with the date and time that she died. I had also underlined and circled the following verses next to her name "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."

3. A Legacy for the Next Generation

Writing your thoughts, prayers and significant dates in your Bible is a gift, a legacy for generations to come. Take a minute to think about something with me...imagine you have passed on and are now living eternally with Jesus. You are no longer with your loved ones here on earth but your Bible remains. Imagine how your children, grand-children, nieces, nephews, friends will feel as they gaze upon their names in your Bible. As they read about all the ways God faithfully answered your prayers. As they see date after date of that which was significant to you. Imagine how the simple act of taking pen to THE page has the potential to bolster the faith of the next generation!


Tracy Klehn

P.S. Winner of "Face of Faith" book giveaway is Andrea...Yay!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Face of Faith Book Giveaway!

Hello Readers!
Today I am pleased to introduce you to Candi Wood Lindley, a woman with an amazing faith story. I pray you are inspired by her interview. If you'd like a chance to win a copy of her book please "comment" via the blog and leave me your email address and I will post the winner next week. Have a "Magnificent" week!
Tracy Klehn

Candy, you have written Face of Faith. What is it about?

When I was thirty years old, I was hospitalized for the removal of a pea-sized cyst in the nasal cavity. Instead, I was diagnosed with an inoperable malignant tumor the size of a baseball situated underneath the brain in the center of the head in an inoperable area of the head. Grade-three bone cancer is not receptive to chemotherapy or radiation. They told me that I could lose the right side of my face.

I had always thought that I was a Christian, but I had never really surrendered my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the hospital room that night I was finally at the end of Candy - emotionally, mentally, and physically. I ask God to totally take over my life.

My circumstances didn’t change, but God began to change my heart to one seeking His will only for my life whatever that might be.

Two weeks later I met with a craniofacial surgeon at the Mayo Clinic. He was very upfront about my surgery and my prognosis. No sugar coating.

He explained that he would cut across the top of the head and down the middle of the face enabling him to peel back both sides of the face and remove the greater portion of my face including the forehead bone, the right cheekbone, and the nose. He could hopefully remove the bulk of the tumor, buying me some time. He would not replace the bones to the face. I would wake up severely deformed and blind in the right eye, probably the left.

Miraculously, he instead attempted to remove the tumor in its entirety, and it worked. Even more miraculously, he took the bones to the face that had been thrown in the trash and reconstructed my face. I had a new face. And was cancer free.

What goes through someone’s mind when they are told they have an inoperable tumor in the center of the head and could lose the right side of their face? You were thirty years old. That’s pretty overwhelming.

For me, the will to live took over. That stubborn will to fight no matter what the odds.

There were complications after that first surgery. What did that involve?

Seven months after the first surgery, infection spread throughout the forehead bone and forehead skin. I was put in isolation. Five weeks later and four more surgeries, I returned home weighing 79 pounds with a shaved head, sunken in forehead, and two skin graphs on the front and back of the head.

Two years later on a routine check up trip to the Mayo Clinic, the tumor recurred. Same place. This time the size of a raspberry. So they did the whole first surgery again

During those three years of nine surgeries and frequent trips to the Mayo Clinic, did you ever ask God “Why me?” Were you ever angry with God?

I never asked God “Why me?” I did ask what was going on? I didn’t understand. I asked why He was allowing so much in my life, but not so much why it was happening to ME. Yes, I was angry with God often. Thankfully someone informed me that God could handle my anger.

How do you address the importance that society has put on beauty?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look the best that you can look. I personally have always enjoyed experimenting with makeup and getting professional makeovers, especially now that I am facially disfigured. I want to make the most of what I have. But at the end of the day for me, the make up comes off and the hairpieces come off. If my confidence depended on beauty, I could be devastated. And many facially disfigured people are.

In a world obsessed with perfection of the outer appearance and makeovers of every kind, God is more interested in a different kind of makeover – one that lasts – a makeover of the heart.

That’s what happened with me. He began a makeover of my heart. And He’s still working on me!!

How did your husband handle the stress of your illness and the new Candy?

Unfortunately ours was not a happy marriage before I was ever sick. It was an emotionally abusive household. After twenty-four years of marriage, Lee filed for divorce.

Candy, you have experienced emotional pain and physical pain. Which is more difficult?

Physical pain is difficult– especially chronic pain. It is wearing and can affect a person emotionally as well. But there are medications for pain.

But the emotional pain of abuse is sometimes more difficult, I think. You can’t take a pill for it. It requires a lot of time and counseling. Only the Lord can heal the broken heart and enable us to forgive.

Where can we find out more about you and this book?

Please visit my web site at faceoffaithbook.com. Thank you

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day


You are doing something of GREAT worth
You are preparing the next generation

Your kisses, hugs, and words of encouragement
Your discipline, instruction and listening ear
Your cleaning, cooking and shopping
Your stories, songs and reminiscings
Your provision, protection and perseverance
Your laughter, tears and prayers
Are pouring into your children which they in turn will pour into their children.


You are doing something of GREAT worth every single morning that you wake up and MOTHER.

THANK YOU and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY from your friend,
Tracy Klehn

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ways to Pray for the U.S.A. this Thursday (National Day of Prayer)

One night at dinner (my son was five and my daughter was almost four) my husband asked our kids if they knew who the President of the United States was. My son immediately shouted out with confidence "GEORGE WASHINGTON!" My daughter smiled and said "New York!"

I'm sure if he asked you the same question you would get the answer right but what if he asked you if you knew when the National Day of Prayer was? Don't worry if you don't know, I'm not only going to let you know it is always the first Thursday in May (which happens to be in just a couple of days) but I'm also going to give you a few "ways to pray for the U.S.A." on that day. These are taken right out of my book "Prayer Starters for Busy Moms" in the chapter that contains over thirty different prayer starters for our Country. I hope you find one or two ideas that work well for you and/or your family. I always find it exciting to think that so many are calling on the Name of the Lord on the same day!

"Flag a Prayer"
Ask your children to be on the lookout for the "stars and stripes." When they point out an American flag, agree in prayer for our troops. Pray that the soldiers would be protected, that their eyes would be open to danger, and that they would seek the Lord during this time of combat.

"Pledge Allegiance"
As you stand and recite these familiar words, pray that your nation would always be "one nation under God." Teach your children to pray for a spirit of unity to grow among the citizens of this country and for many to become worshipers of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Pray for revival in the heart of this nation. Pray that your children would be a part of bringing that revival to pass. Pray that your children would have hearts that are committed to the Lord, committed to prayer, and committed to our nation.

God Bless You and May God Bless America,
Tracy Klehn

P.S. CONGRATS to Iris who is the winner of the Book Give Away ("The Secret Holocaust Diaries"). Way to go Iris!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Plan was the Walk, God's Plan was the Watermelon

I'm currently enrolled in my first college photography class (with 4 other mom friends of mine and a bunch of college kids!) and our assignment for this week was to take a "Series" of pictures. I pondered all the different ways I could go about accomplishing this broad assignment before settling on a church event that was to happen over the weekend. The church our family attends just had their last service at their rented, strip mall facility and was scheduled to walk, as a congregation, the four miles from the old facility to the new.

It was a bright, sunny Sunday and I was sure that I could get some neat shots. I was right. I captured the picture of the painting in the window of the old facility that reads "WE'RE MOVING!" and shows a truck towing a church. I got pictures of the stream of young and old leaving the parking lot and heading down the sidewalk in brightly colored patches of joy. I got shots of a little boy on his dad's shoulders, a shot of a pony-tailed girl with her arm wrapped around the neck of her Labra-doodle, a shot of friends arm in arm on their way to their new church home. I really did, as I had planned, get some good options for my assignment.

Hours and hundreds of pictures later, as we stood in front of the new church having finished our walk, toured the new facility, and reveled in all the Lord was accomplishing I decided it was time to put my camera away. As I turned to get my camera bag a snip of red hair caught my attention...

Today I marvel once again at the fact that God's plans are always so much better than my own plans. My plan had been to get a series of pictures of a momentous day in the life of our church, a series of pictures of our own "Grand Exodus" and subsequent entry to "the Promised Land" and indeed, for the most part my plan worked out (this time) but God's plan was for me to capture an even better series of pictures which included one of His littlest children "bearing fruit."

When God captivated me with "Claire" He also reminded me how brightly He can radiate in the youngest of children and how wonder often comes in small packages and how the best "fruits of our labor" come not only in buildings and accomplishments but in lives that are nurtured.

Oh mommies, I pray for you and I that the Lord would open our spirit eyes that we would not miss "the watermelons of life." That God would alert us to those moments when His irresistible beauty shows up in unexpected places. That God would help us remember that He greatly values our role as mothers and that His light shines most brightly in the lives of the little ones...and that we will always be His little ones!

"Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare." Psalm 40:5

"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tracy Klehn

Monday, April 20, 2009

"The Secret Holocaust Diaries" Book Giveaway

Here is a soon to be classic. If you would like to have the opportunity to win a copy of this book please just "comment" and leave me your email address.

Have a wonderful week!
Blessings to you,
Tracy Klehn


Nonna Bannister appeared to be a typical American housewife. She married Henry, the love of her life, in 1951 and together they raised three children in Memphis, Tennessee. But Nonna was far from average. For half a century, she kept her story secret while living a normal life. She locked all of her photos, documents, diaries, and dark memories from World War II in a trunk in her attic.

Tyndale House Publishers announces the publication of The Secret Holocaust Diaries: The Untold Story of Nonna Bannister, the haunting eyewitness account of Nonna Lisowskaja Bannister, a remarkable Russian girl who saw and survived unspeakable evils during World War II. written by Nonna Bannister with Denise George and Carolyn Tomlin (April 2009, Tyndale House)

1. The Secret Holocaust Diaries is written by Nonna although she passed away in 2004. Did she write the book before she died?

Yes, she slipped up into the attic each night, translated her diaries (from several different languages), and recorded them in English onto yellow legal pads. Much later, after she told her husband, Henry, about her incredible past, she showed him the stacks of yellow legal pads on which she had translated her diaries and recorded her thoughts about her past, and he typed them up into a manuscript.

2. Would Nonna have liked to see her book published before she died?

Nonna translated her diary into English and her husband, Henry, typed the manuscript. However, she requested the diary not be published until at least 2 or 3 years after she died. Henry honored this request. (She died in 2004.) The story was very painful and reminded her of the suffering her family endured. When she came to America in 1950 she was overwhelmed by her new life. She was determined to make a new life for herself and to give her husband and children a happy home.

3. Nonna came from a privileged family. Are there any interesting stories of people her ancestors knew?

Nonna's family "ran with" the upper crust in the Ukraine and Russia. Her mother and father were educated in Russia's great cultural city, St. Petersburg. Nonna's grandmother and grandfather knew the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and Nonna kept a postcard sent by him (shortly before his death) to her grandfather, Jakob, for his birthday (dated 1913?). Jakob was killed during the Revolution while trying to help Russian families escape.

Nonna writes in her diary of living on the ”Chekov Lane” in Taganrog, the street where Russian writer Anton Chekov (1860–1904) had once lived.

The family also visited often the boy Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (nicknamed "Sasha") and his mother, Taissia. She and Nonna’s mother, Anna, were good friends. They enjoyed giving concerts and playing the violin and piano. Nonna writes of eating ice cream with her mother and Taissia, and spending the night in the Solzhenitsyn home during a thunderstorm. Alexander was older that Nonna, studying at the university.

4. Many people assume most of the people killed by the Nazis were Jewish. Was Nonna’s family Jewish?

Although it is estimated that approximately 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, other nationalities experienced suffering and death, also. Nonna's family was Russian and owned seven grain mills and homes in southern Russia and the Ukraine. Her father, Yevgeny, and his family were from Warsaw, Poland, which included a large population of Jews. Due to border restrictions, Nonna never met her father's family. Yevgeny never told Nonna and her brother, Anatoly, if his family was Jewish. If the children didn't know, they could not let it slip. The admission of being Jewish could have meant deportation or certain death. There is speculation, but no one is certain.

5. Nonna saved many documents from her time at Nazi camps; what are these artifacts?

In a small ticking pillow she kept tied around her waist, she kept many one inch square photos of her family and friends in the Ukraine. She also kept her small childhood diary. On tiny slips of paper, she wrote her experiences (in diary form) and also kept these in the little pillow.
Later she kept all these in a small trunk, which she painted bright green.

6. When Nonna finally revealed her secret, was her family shocked?

Henry knew there was something about her past that she didn’t want to talk about. Being a patient man, he never pressed her to speak about this secret. As they grew older, he asked her to write down some things about her family—so their children would know their heritage. After months of secretly translating her diary (written in several different languages) she took him to the attic, open the little green trunk and showed him her family’s photos and the yellow legal pages of the translated diary. Henry was astonished at what he saw.

7. Why did Nonna keep her devastating secret for so many years?

Nonna kept her secret past from her family/friends because she had, at last, found such happiness with her husband, Henry, and her three children. She didn't want to express her past pain--she didn’t want it to interrupt the family's happiness and cast a shadow of despair over them.

8. The diaries themselves were written in several languages and some were on scraps of paper. How did she go about transcribing them?

Nonna learned English after she came to America in 1950. This became her primary language. She realized they should be transcribed in English so Henry could type the pages. He spent several years typing these notes after work and on weekends.

The miniature black/white photos, the diaries, the notes from the prison camp, her mother’s letters from the concentration camps, and other documents were organized and put into chapters for a book—one she hoped would be published after her death.

9. What can people of Christian faith or Jewish faith/descent take from The Secret Holocaust Diaries?

That grave injustice exists--Nonna learned that from the Red Army (who killed many of her family members) and Hitler's army (who also killed many of her family members and imprisoned her in a labor camp). But that God's love and forgiveness for those who hurt us are stronger than even Hitler's evil and injustice. Nonna came out of the whole experience with her heart still filled with love. She experienced none of the bitterness and hatred that some Jewish Holocaust survivors have held onto. She was able to marry, raise children, and bring them much joy and happiness through her own love and through introducing them to God's love.

10. Why did Nonna feel it was so important to share her story?

The Secret Holocaust Diaries: The Untold Story of Nonna Bannister is a true story of a young Russian girl whose family was caught up in the Russian Revolution and in World War II. In spite of the injustice inflicted on her family and millions of others, it is a story of love and forgiveness. Nonna wanted others to know the horrors that occurred during the Hitler and Stalin era so that it might never happen again.

Nonna felt compelled to tell her story because she was an eyewitness to many dramatic events, and she was the only survivor of her entire family.


Late in life, Nonna unlocked her trunk filled with memories from World War II first for her husband, and now for the rest of the world. Nonna’s story is one of suffering, torture, and death—but also of incredible acts of kindness that show the ultimate triumph of faith and love over despair and evil. The Secret Holocaust Diaries is in part a tragedy, yet ultimately it’s an unforgettable true story about forgiveness, courage, and hope.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is God Doing With Your Pencil?

Mother Theresa has been quoted as saying "We are all little pencils in the hand of God" which begets the question "What is God communicating with your pencil"?

We have been attending a growing church for fifteen years and are now weeks away from moving into our own facility. We've grown from being known as the "Chips and Salsa Church" (because we were located in a strip mall next to a mexican restaurant) to the "Liquor Store Church" (you guessed it--we relocated to a bigger facility in another strip mall this time next to a liquor store). Now,the season is upon us when we will move onto our own parcel of lay moms how to pray all day and still put the laundry away CNN John Blake Tracy Klehn article busy mom busy moms, Mother Theresa quote "we are all pencils in the hand of God" Revelations 5:9 christian perspective easter, Tracy Klehn, nd.

This past Sunday the congregation was invited to come and "sign the floor" before the carpet is installed. It was quite a sight to see...hundreds of people of all ages writing on the floor and, as I walked around and looked at the writing I was deeply moved as I trust you will be as well...

As Easter quickly approaches and we reflect on the fact that Jesus voluntarily chose to spill his blood and in doing so purchase us for God (Revelations 5:9) I encourage you to reflect on what you are being used by God to communicate to the World through your life? I encourage you to talk to your children about this concept as well remembering what the beautiful Mother Theresa said...

"I am a little pencil in the hand of God who is sending a love letter to the world."
Mother Theresa

Blessings to you,
Tracy Klehn