Monday, September 14, 2009

An Amazing "No Guilt" Prayer for Moms

I found this prayer/poem several years ago in the book When I'm on My Knees by Anita Corrine Donihue. The author of the actual poem is listed as "unknown" which I think is classic because there are so many moms out there that feel that their work and worship is going on "unnoticed" and they are "unknown" but the truth in God's Word says that "He is the God who sees." Let this prayer encourage you...

Lord of all pots and pans and things

since I've no time to be

A saint by doing lovely things,

or watching late with Thee,

Or dreaming in the dawnlight,

or storming heaven's gates,

Make me a saint by getting meals,

and washing up the plates.

Although I must have Martha's hand,

I have a Mary mind;

And when I black the boots and shoes,

Thy sandals, Lord, I find,

I think of how they trod the earth,

each time I scrub the floor;

Accept this meditation, Lord,

I haven't time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy love,

and light it with Thy peace,

Forgive me all my worrying,

and make all grumbling cease.

Thou who didst love to give me food,

in room or by sea,

Accept this service that I do-

I do it unto Thee.

Blessings this week as you serve your family and worship your Lord,
Tracy Klehn

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